Creating A Home Office That Works

Whether you work for yourself or for someone else, the ability to work from home is a great gift. Even if all you do is manage household issues from your home office, creating a space that is both effective and comfortable will take some planning.

Focus and energy

The color of your home office can have a huge impact on your ability to stay productive in the space. Consider painting your home office in an energizing color, such as a pale, creamy yellow. If you find a color you really like, consider putting it on the ceilings as well as the walls. Reach out to experts like those at Color World Housepainting to plan your paint job.

Consider adding an accent wall if you store reference books in your office. A boldly colored accent wall can also make for a nice background for online meetings or one-on-one video calls.

Desk space and privacy

Keeping your personal information and your work data safe is key to working from home. To maintain that privacy, it may be necessary to build a corner workstation. By working with a company like One Day Doors and Closets, you could easily designate a computer workstation that could be safely shut away when you are ready to rejoin your family. Within this enclosed space, you can also organize important documents, perhaps in a fire safe.

Do your best to make sure that closing things up is quick and easy. If you have to go through multiple steps to close up the workspace, you may end up just leaving the door shut all the time. This choice can lead to the space becoming cluttered or stale. Secure your workstation, but avoid closing up the room entirely for airflow and comfort.

Maintaining a homey feel

Your home should feel more comfortable than utilitarian. To make sure that your office is functional when needed and comfortable the rest of the time, pay special attention to decor. Depending on your taste, this can mean knick-knacks on your shelves, photos of loved ones or a plant. 

An office space doesn't have to feel sterile or untouchable. If you're working at your desk, your children may be entertained for a time at their own small table, easel or desk. As long as your computer can be secured when you need to step away, there's no reason that your whole family can't use the office in some way if it allows you to work productively.

Your home office space can be both useful and comfy. Check out TheHomeMag on Facebook and Instagram for inspiration and professional recommendations.


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