Creating a Home Maintenance Schedule

Many individuals regularly visit their doctors for checkups to stay healthy. Likewise, your home requires a regular maintenance schedule to stay in good condition. You can avoid breakdowns and cut repair costs by regularly checking your home's plumbing, exterior, electrical installation, heating and cooling systems, security, and appliances. Creating a schedule for the maintenance of your home will ensure that everything you need to do will be done at the right time. Here's how to create an effective home maintenance schedule.

1. Record all the maintenance tasks you need to do

Planning is the first and most important step for developing an effective and functional home maintenance schedule. Planning allows you to understand what you need to include in your schedule and when it needs to be performed. It can be helpful to create a list with three columns labeled "task," "how often," and "time of year." Once you label your paper, take your pen and start going around your home to document any maintenance activity you might need to take care of throughout the year. 

2. Decide how frequently each maintenance activity has to be performed

Often, home maintenance activities are only performed once or a few times a year. Others may need to be handled monthly or weekly. For instance, you can perform maintenance on your chimney once each year, but you need to check your HVAC air filters once a month. After recording the maintenance tasks that need to be performed, jot down how often they should be done. Working with a home improvement contractor like Small Improvements LLC can help you establish an appropriate schedule for various tasks. 

3. Include each maintenance activity in a home maintenance calendar

After you have listed all the maintenance tasks and how frequently you'll undertake them, include them in your home maintenance calendar. You can purchase a premade calendar or create your own using pen and paper. There are also computer programs that make it easy to build customizable calendars that you can print out each month. Hanging the calendar in a visible location that you pass often can keep you and your family members aware of what tasks need to be completed throughout the month. 

4. Ensure you add reminders

It is fairly easy to develop a home maintenance schedule, but sticking to the schedule can be much harder. One way to stay on top of your tasks is to create phone reminders based on your maintenance calendar. You can add these to your phone as repeated alarms or calendar events. Either way, it's up to you to act on the reminders to keep your home in good shape.

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