Common Signs of a Slab Leak

A slab leak is the result of damage to a water line in or under the slab foundation of a house. Damage can come from pipe corrosion, improper installation, or a major shift in the ground. It's important to select a well-qualified professional for the job because slab leaks can result in costly damage to your home.

Depending on the extent of the damage, you may need plumbing repairs, re-flooring, and mold remediation. Soaring water bills also add to the cost. It's possible to avoid slab leaks with a total repipe. Homeowners in the greater Portland area can call on experts like Repipe Specialists to explore this possibility. For existing slab leaks, though, quick detection and repair are critical.

If you can detect a slab leak early enough, you may be able to avoid some of the costly secondary repairs to your home. Here are some signs to look out for.

1. Water spots or water pooling on floors

Probably the most obvious sign of a slab leak is indoor water accumulation. Water spots and more serious pooling are both possible.

2. Damp carpeting

Slab leaks sometimes reveal themselves through persistent damp or wet spots on your carpet.

3. Warped flooring

Floors without carpet will also have telltale signs. If you notice warped or buckling flooring, you may have a slab leak.

4. Odors

If a slab leak has caused unchecked water accumulation in your house, you may notice a persistent smell. It can range from general mustiness to a strong mold odor, depending on how long and how strong the accumulation is.

5. Warm spots

Warm spots on the floor are usually a sign of leakage from a hot water line. If they're present with pooling water and damaged flooring, it's a strong indication of a slab leak.

6. Pooling water outside

Slab leaks don't just cause water to pool indoors. You may also notice standing water around your home's foundation.

7. High water bills

If your water bills have spiked even though your consumption hasn't changed, you could be losing water from a broken line in the slab. Check your water meter dial while your plumbing is not in use to see if it's registering any water flow.

8. Low water pressure

Low water pressure can have many causes, but it's one sign of a slab leak. Low water pressure, along with other warning signs, may mean a slab leak.

9. Sound of running water

If you hear water running under your flooring even when you're not using the plumbing, you have a leaking water line.

If you suspect your home has a slab leak, contact a professional to test for slab leaks. They're a major threat not just to your home's resale value but also to basic habitability. To find the right services for all your critical structural issues, follow TheHomeMag on Facebook and check out our Instagram feed.


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