Choosing the Best Paint Color for Your Bathroom

Your bathroom is your personal space. It's the one place to relax after a long day. You can soak in the tub with your favorite book or take a long, hot shower. Your bathroom is where you get ready for your day, so why not spruce it up with your favorite space in any color scheme you want? Color World Painting offers home painting services for any room in your home, including your bathroom. 

Use a color wheel for inspiration

If you're not sure where to start, invest in a color wheel. This handy little tool starts with the basic colors. Simply turn the wheel to see how the colors blend together to form new hues. 

The color wheel gives you an idea of what goes well together and what doesn't. It's an excellent start towards the goal of adding life through color in your bathroom. You can buy one at your local art or home improvement store.

Choose a blend that matches your personality and preferences

Using your color wheel, choose three basic colors you'd like to work with. Start with a neutral, rich hue. Next, add an accent. Some examples include white, dark brown, and light yellow. You can blend them together any way you want to create the perfect shade. 

Use the 70/20/10 rule

Good color distribution should be smooth and even. The 70/20/10 rule allows you to manipulate different shades to create harmony and balance. In this case, you should use 70% of light color and 20% of a slightly darker shade. The rule is to top it off with 10% of the darkest color, which is your accent. This contrast provides an earthy tone that offsets the lighter shades.

Pick a favorite color

Pick a favorite color and use it as your dominant one. The best way is to apply the second rule of three. You can do this by using it at least three different ways in your bathroom. If you choose dark blue, you can bring it out in your tiles, wallpaper, and tub. You can add more emphasis with towels or a floral arrangement.

Don't forget your doors

You can liven up your bathroom by painting your doors. In most cases, neutral colors are best. Off-white or light beige can add greater beauty to your bathroom. You may even consider a soft yellow.

Consider size and space

Size and space are essential to your bathroom. Good color can help make any room seem smaller or larger. Brighter colors might go better with smaller bathrooms because they give the illusion of roominess and comfort. But if you want a bathroom that seems smaller, it's best to go for darker colors. They add a hint of intimacy in larger bathroom spaces.


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