Buzz Off: Tips for Keeping Bees and Wasps Away This Summer

Stinging pests have a way of ruining your time spent outdoors. They can turn what should be a relaxing afternoon into a very unsettling situation. Bees and wasps can make anyone feel uncomfortable, but if you suffer from an allergy to them, they can be downright terrifying. You can discourage these pests from visiting your home by taking advantage of the following tips:

Use essential oils

Essential oils can repel wasps and bees. Peppermint oil is quite effective at this. It can be used alone or in combination with other oils like lemongrass, clove, and geranium. Place several drops in water with a small amount of liquid dish soap to use essential oils. Put this solution in a spray bottle to make it easier to cover areas around your home where these pests will likely make their nests.

Wasp traps

Wasp traps are very effective at capturing bees and wasps and are quite affordable. They work by luring pests in with sugar water. Once inside, they’re trapped and can't escape.

Plants that repel wasps and bees

Plants can be a beautiful way to repel these unwanted pests. Plant eucalyptus, citronella, and thyme around your house. Eucalyptus is drought-resistant, so it is easy to grow. Citronella has a strong scent that bees and wasps find offensive. Even geraniums work, as bees don't like the scent of this flower either. Any one of these plants will add to the look of your flower beds and keep wasps and bees from hanging around. All of these plants can be grown in containers or planted directly into the ground.

Properly dispose of waste

Bees and wasps love food waste. Having access to food scraps will make your home seem quite inviting to them. Don't throw bits of food into your yard. Throw it in the trash, and make sure your outdoor garbage receptacles are tightly sealed.

Having a compost pile will also draw them into your yard. You may want to invest in an indoor compost unit that could be kept in a garage or shed.

Seal up exterior cracks

The only thing worse than having bees and wasps bothering you outside is having them in your house. Make sure you seal up any cracks in your house, repair gaps in the siding, and add a soffit under the eaves. Stinging pests like finding these nooks and crannies where they can build their nests.

Once they make themselves at home, it’s only a matter of time before they find their way inside. Once bees and wasps have entered your house, you’ll need the help of a professional pest control company. You can search for pest control at Marketplace by TheHomeMag.

Following these tips will keep those bees and wasps at bay so that you and your family can enjoy time outdoors this summer. For more advice on how to keep pests away, follow us on Facebook or Instagram.


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