Building a Better Future: Eco-Friendly Upgrades for Earth Day Awareness

Earth Day comes every year on April 22, and this year it turns 54. Since its inception, Earth Day has been a time when regular folks protest the pollution of the world’s air, water, and other resources while celebrating nature. You don’t have to join a march or make a speech to observe Earth Day. Be mindful of protecting the world’s vast resources and make a few eco-friendly upgrades at home for the good of everybody.

1. Practice the three “Rs” for sustainability

Reduce, reuse, and recycle is one Earth Day mantra that is equally important every day of the year. It all comes down to reducing waste, reusing rather than discarding, and recycling responsibly. If you are like most families, you probably already recycle your plastic, aluminum, and glass, but there is far more you can do:

  • Tailor your grocery list to eliminate as much wasted food as possible.

  • Compost items like vegetable skins and melon rinds to use in your garden.

  • Donate extra packaged food from your pantry to your local food bank.

By repurposing and passing on the food your family doesn't use, you are saving valuable resources and minimizing greenhouse gas emissions from food production.

Treat water as a valuable resource

As the world’s water supply dwindles, it becomes more important than ever to use it wisely. You can take daily measures to save water that add up to a big difference. For example, turn off the faucet rather than letting it run while you brush your teeth or shave. Set a timer to remind yourself to turn off the outdoor water when sprinkling the garden or filling receptacles.

Nationwide, Americans waste trillions of gallons annually due to leaky household plumbing. Your plumber can diagnose and fix any leaks in your system so you no longer contribute to the problem.

Focus on the bathroom and kitchen when you are searching for ways to save water. Switch your older shower head for a water-saving fixture, and watch the savings flow. In the kitchen, resist running your dishwasher until it is full, and you will save significantly on your water bill.

Reduce your heating and cooling use

HVAC — heating, ventilation, and air conditioning — is typically the highest ticket item when it comes to your household expenses. You can use less energy and save when you:

  • Call for a home energy evaluation to identify leaks in your exterior envelope, and have them repaired.

  • Add insulation to attics and exterior walls

  • Install a programmable thermostat to turn off equipment when no one is at home

  • Turn down the heat setting by a couple of degrees in winter.

  • Turn up the cooling setting during the summer.

A sustainable home for Earth Day and every day

When you are improving sustainability around the house, remember that like-minded homeowners everywhere multiply those small changes into big benefits for the environment. Get more great eco-friendly ideas on our HomeMag Facebook and Instagram pages.


Earth Day Every Day: Eco-Friendly Upgrades for Sustainable Living


Conscious Living, Conscious Choices