A Homeowner's Guide to Common Household Pests

Every home has pests, some more than others. The problem is that they can quickly multiply or even invite new harmful species if left unchecked. That's why it's important to know what kind of pests you're dealing with so you can take the right preventative and reactive measures.

1. Insects

Insects make up the largest group of pests and can be found in every corner of the home from kitchens to bathrooms. They range from harmless fruit flies to disease-carrying mosquitoes. Just some household species include ants, bed bugs, cockroaches, fleas, and ticks.

2. Arachnids

Common arachnids that you may find in your home include spiders, mites, and scorpions. Fortunately, the majority of these pests are not harmful to humans and pose little more than a nuisance. However, some species, such as black widow spiders or brown recluse spiders, can be dangerous and should be handled with care.

3. Rodents

Due to their quick adaptive skills to new environments, rodents are becoming more common household pests. They often enter homes through small cracks or crevices in search of food and shelter. And if they find a spot with easy access to what they need, they quickly reproduce (two rats can swell to around 1,250 in just a year). Typical rodent infestations involve mice and rats.

4. Birds

Birds such as pigeons, crows, and sparrows can become problematic when they start roosting on the roof or windowsills of a home. They create messes with their droppings and feathers, carry disease-causing pathogens, and can damage property with their sharp claws.

5. Wild animals

Wild animals like raccoons, skunks, opossums, squirrels, etc., are usually only found in homes when there's an easy food source for them to take advantage of. They can cause considerable damage by digging up insulation or tearing up wiring inside the walls if left unchecked. They also carry parasites and diseases, which can be passed on to humans and other household pets.

Guarding against pests

While every pest has its own unique characteristics, there are steps you can take to protect your home from any kind of infestation. The first is to seal off any potential entry points, like cracks in the walls or foundation and poorly sealed windows and doors. An expert in North Carolina like Precision Siding & Windows can help replace old windows and doors with more energy-efficient ones that are better sealed.

It's also important to keep your home clean and free of food waste to discourage pests from wanting to stay in the first place. Consider vacuuming regularly, washing dishes right away, storing food properly in tightly covered containers, and keeping your laundry basket off the floor.

Finally, it may be wise to invest in regular pest control treatments like spraying for insects, trapping rodents, and installing bird spikes on your rooftop. Also, keeping your yard clean and well-maintained can decrease the number of harborages for pests around your home.

Control pests

If you already have an infestation, there are repellents, traps, and insecticides you can use to get rid of the problem. If you must control them yourself, use them with caution and follow the instructions on the packaging. However, hiring a professional with knowledge and experience in dealing with pests is recommended to ensure that the problem is handled safely and effectively.

Nobody wants pests in their home, but when they do come knocking, it pays to be prepared. With a little knowledge and effort, you can keep your family safe from disease-carrying critters and protect your property from any damage they may cause. Follow and subscribe to our pages on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date with the latest tips and tricks on pest control and other home maintenance and improvement topics.


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