5 Signs It's Time To Replace Your Old Windows

Many people don't like to think about replacing their windows. Not only is it costly, but it can also be a huge project to take on. It can be difficult to find the right person for the job and choose the right windows. However, window repairs should not be neglected, as the damage will only get worse as time goes on. Here are five signs that your windows need to be replaced.

You feel a draft

One of the biggest telltale signs that it's time to replace your old windows is the presence of a draft. You may walk past and feel the cold air pouring in, or you may even see a breeze moving your curtains. If you can see or feel the draft, this means the seal is no longer working properly and it's time for a new window. In the Orlando, FL area, you can call on the experts at Renewal of Anderson for a free estimate and a professional job.

High utility bills

When you're getting a draft in your home, it's common for utility bills to go up. Even though replacing windows can be costly, improper functioning can cost just as much.

During the winter months, it will take more heat to warm your home, driving up the bills. During the summer months, cool air can escape outside, leading to higher temperatures inside your home. Even if you can't see or feel the draft, you should consider having a window contractor come and look at your home if you notice your utility bills increasing.


Excessive condensation may also build between the panes of glass. This can be caused by a faulty seal or an improper fit. The hazy condensation can not only be irritating to look at, but it can also cause more damage to the windows and their frames. It can quickly cause water damage or even mold.


Even in the absence of condensation, damaged windows need to be replaced. Years of normal wear and tear can lead to rotting wood or rusting metal. Additionally, if condensation does occur, mold can eat away at the frame, causing damage to the entire window.

Difficulty opening and closing

If your windows don't open and close properly, it can be both frustrating and dangerous. On a beautiful spring or fall day, you may be unable to open your window properly to enjoy the fresh air. Other windows may get stuck open, leading to damage from water during storms or snow. Children may be tempted to play with the window if it doesn't close and latch properly. If your windows are hard to open and close, you should consider new ones.

Time for new windows?

If you’re experiencing increased utility bills while heating or cooling your home, damage to your windows, or difficulty opening and closing them, it may be time for replacements. For more ideas on how new windows can improve your home, follow TheHomeMag on Facebook.


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