Keep Your Home Safe
In 2019, there were about 492,911 home burglary cases across the United States, according to a report from the FBI. Out of these cases, about 379,434 occurred at residences, leading to an average loss of $3,000 in personal property.
These statistics show that you must put security and safety measures in place, from replacing your doors and windows to installing an alarm system. Here are four methods we at TheHomeMag recommend you use to enhance security and safety in your home and have peace of mind:
1. Installing security cameras
One of the best strategies to maintain your home's safety is contracting professionals to install security cameras strategically around your home. These cameras will play a central role in capturing burglary incidents even when you're away from home. In addition, security cameras will offer 24/7 surveillance in your home and its surroundings.
Opt for high-resolution cameras to get clear views if any burglary is captured. Also, go for the modern security cameras that you can sync with your smartphone to easily and conveniently monitor your home remotely.
2. Installing smart locks
Are you a frequent traveler concerned about your home's safety? Perhaps you should consider installing smart locks to keep your home safe. Even if you've developed good and consistent habits of locking all your doors and windows before leaving your home, you're likely to forget at some point.
Fortunately, smart locks will enable you to inspect the status of your doors' and windows' locks remotely and let you lock them from a distance if you forgot to do it in person. You can contract Pacific Shores Windows and Doors to securely install your windows and doors to help keep your home safe.
3. Installing motion-sensing lights
Motion-sensing lights can help keep your home safe by shining an undesirable light on potential burglars, deterring them from breaking into your home. Likewise, inside your home, you can install motion-sensing smart lights to switch on whenever you're away and an unwelcome visitor enters your home.
If you're on vacation, this can alert any friendly neighbors looking out for your home that something is wrong inside it. That way, they can notify local security guards or police of a possible burglary in the neighborhood.
4. Installing an alarm system
Another surefire method to keep your home safe against burglar break-ins is installing an alarm system. Nowadays, you can choose from dozens, if not hundreds, of home alarm systems that match your needs and budget.
We recommend that you engage professional home alarm installation companies to assist you in installing an alarm system in your home. The alarm system can be installed strategically where potential burglars can see it.
You could also place a security sign or sticker in your front yard warning that there's an alarm system. Such signs and stickers effectively deter potential burglars from breaking into homes with an alarm system.
Overall, using these four methods, you can move a step forward toward keeping your home safe. For more information and recommendations of companies that can assist you in securing your home, reach TheHomeMag through our Facebook and Instagram accounts now.