Advertise to local Cincinnati Homeowners

Helping home improvement businesses grow their business since 2002

TheHomeMag is your go-to marketing agency in Cincinnati & N. Kentucky.

Since 2002, TheHomeMag has been the trusted partner for local home improvement businesses, providing marketing services that deliver results. Our focus is exclusively on the home improvement sector, ensuring your message reaches your ideal customer, the top 120,000 owner-occupied, single-family homes in Hamilton County, every month.

We are a full-service marketing agency, offering more than just a magazine. Our services also include targeted magazine inserts, email marketing, our digital platform, and more. Whether you need to boost your visibility in print or online, we have the expertise to make it happen.

Our team handles every detail, so you can focus on growing your business. We’re here to simplify your marketing efforts and ensure your brand stands out in the competitive home improvement industry.

Embark On Your Marketing Journey

What we do

We're there every step of the way

  • Consulting

    Our experienced media advisors understand your business goals and strategically develop a customized plan that delivers tangible results.

  • Ad Design

    Our highly skilled in-house design team will create a custom ad that maximizes your brand recognition and impact with the audience.

  • Call Monitoring

    As part of our comprehensive service, we provide complimentary call monitoring to track the progress of your marketing efforts.

  • HomeScanR

    Unlock the power of our exclusive quick response service, specifically tailored to amplify and elevate the effectiveness of your marketing.

  • Audience list

    Our meticulously curated audience precisely targets homeowners primed to purchase your exceptional services.

Cincinnati & N. Kentucky Media Kit

The real magic of growing your business is creating the perfect marketing mix by blending the right parts of print, digital, social, and community marketing. Interested in reaching a targeted audience of homeowners in need of your services? Request our media kit today to explore advertising opportunities and detailed audience insights.

Our Products

Online Magazine

Our Audience


Your Cincinnati Marketing Team

  • Edward Enslin


  • Karen Enslin


  • Carrie Hannigan

    Client Success Executive

  • Christy Schimpf

    Client Success Executive

  • Tabitha Myers

    Office Admin

  • Amanda Kilby

    Senior Graphic Designer

  • We're Hiring!

    Sales Executive

Could You Be On The Team? We Sure Hope So!

We're looking for amazing personalities to join our team. If you are curious about what we have to offer, just shoot us an email and we'll schedule a time to connect.

Contact us
(513) 788-8110

TheHomeMag Cincinnati & N. Kentucky
716 Adams Street, Suite C
Carmel, IN 46032

Get My FREE Marketing Proposal