TheHomeMag $5,000 Guarantee

TheHomeMag backs its Certified Partners with up to $5,000 reimbursement to you, subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Choose a Certified Partner

    TheHomeMag® pre-screens every service provider and backs each approved service provider (the “Certified Partner”) with TheHomeMag $5,000 Guarantee, so you can be confident that you’re hiring high-quality industry professionals. THIS GUARANTEE IS GOOD FOR A PERIOD OF TWELVE (12) MONTHS AFTER YOU REGISTER YOUR JOB TO BE PERFORMED BY A CERTIFIED PARTNER WITH THEHOMEMAG, AND WILL TERMINATE AND BECOME NULL AND VOID IF YOU FAIL TO MAKE A CLAIM WITHIN SUCH TWELVE (12) MONTH PERIOD.

  2. Register the job with TheHomeMag

    Once you’ve selected an approved Certified Partner that advertised in our magazines or website, you will need to register the job using this form. Please make sure to register a job before it actually starts. This is to ensure that the service provider was contacted through TheHomeMag. IF YOU FAIL TO REGISTER THE JOB PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK, THIS GUARANTEE IS AUTOMATICALLY RENDERED NULL AND VOID.

  3. Contact us if you need help

If you experience a problem with your registered job performed by a Certified Pro, please contact our Help Line by emailing We’ll investigate and will determine whether the registered job is covered by this guarantee. If we determine that the problem is covered by this guarantee, then we will pay you $5,000. All situations are different and highly fact specific, and we reserve the sole right and discretion to determine whether the problem is covered by this guarantee.

The following are examples of the types of problems that we would generally determine to be covered by this guarantee:

  1. Job that is paid in full but not completed as a result of an action or inaction of the Certified Pro.

  2. Job not completed, and the Certified Pro stops responding after multiple and consistent attempts to contact.

  3. Work performed is poor quality and results in a material loss of functionality (e.g., tiles falling off, items are broken or not installed properly)

  4. Disagreement on price and/or deliverables as originally documented by the Certified Pro and the homeowner.

  5. Any unreasonable time delays with respect to completion of any part or all of the job.

The following are examples of the types of problems that we would generally determine not to be covered by this guarantee:

  1. Claims made without pre-registering the job with TheHomeMag.

  2. Job was registered with TheHomeMag more than 12 months ago.

  3. The disputed issue falls outside of the Certified Pro’s scope of work or area/trade of expertise.

  4. Problems that are, directly or indirectly, caused by a criminal act of a third party.

  5. Problems that are, directly or indirectly, caused by your own actions or inactions, including without limitation your own negligence or intentional misconduct.

This guarantee is subject to the terms and conditions which can be found HERE, which terms are incorporated herein by reference.