Tips for Creating an Organized Home Office

With more and more people working from home these days, it has become more important than ever to create and maintain an organized home office. A clutter-free office can help you stay focused on your work, but it also ensures your home still looks nice. Let’s take a look at some tips for how you create an organized home office space. 

Create a dedicated office space

It’s tempting to allow other items from your home to spill over into your office, but you really want to prevent that from happening. Children’s toys, laundry and craft items should all have their own spaces in other areas of the home. This allows you to stay focused while you’re working. You can reach out to Mr. Handyman if you need assistance with getting a specific area in your home office ready. 

Go paperless

Paper creates so much clutter. If it’s at all possible, try to keep as much information stored on your computer. You can even scan documents, save them and then shred the paper copies for security purposes. 

Set up work zones

Separate your office space into different zones to keep everything organized and in place. You should have a workstation for your computer, some open desk space where you can review documents and storage space for all of your supplies. Incorporate a bookshelf into your office if you have a lot of books that need to be kept but shouldn’t be getting stacked on your desk.

Focus on storage

With so many fantastic storage items available these days, there’s no excuse to have all of your office items scattered all over. Purchase small trays and containers for the insides of drawers and organize items by what they’re used for. You can keep papers organized on the top of your desk with a file system. Large totes and bins can be kept in the closet, containing items that you don’t use every day. Closets by Design can help you make the most of your closet space.

Don’t let items pile up

It’s so easy to toss a piece of mail into a pile and tell yourself that you’re going to worry about it later on. These items quickly pile up, creating a disorganized mess. Set aside a few minutes each day to go through anything that’s been brought into your office. Figure out if it needs to be filed away, thrown out or dealt with. 

Purchase the proper furniture

You might be tempted to purchase furniture for your office based on how it looks but take some time to consider how functional those pieces are. There are a lot of great items that feature storage built right into them. This helps keep the clutter put away, so you don’t see it. A desk with plenty of drawers and cubbies allows you to keep all of the items that you need nearby, but you don’t have to sacrifice precious desk space.

Pay us a visit for more home office organization ideas

If you’re interested in more tips for how you can keep your office and home organized, check out our Facebook page for more information and tips. You can also take a look at our  Instagram page for more project ideas.


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