Playful Storage Solutions: Kids' Involvement in Home Organization

Kids have a lot of stuff. From toys to clothes and a library of books, their possessions can seem to take over your home. That’s why it’s important to have plenty of storage space available. Check out these tips for keeping your little ones’ possessions organized.

Keep it simple and accessible

Home storage is important, and it should fit the space and purpose for which it's intended. The type of storage you select should reflect your child’s age. Young toddlers can more easily participate in cleanup when they can place items in baskets and bins. Hanging items on hangers or stacking them on shelves is best for older kids.

Install dividers in larger storage units

Abolish the messy tangle of large storage areas with dividers. You could use clear plastic boxes in dresser drawers to hold socks and hair accessories. Or create natural dividers by sorting items into categories. For example, keep stuffed animals in place by putting books or puzzles on either side of them.

Use a variety of storage methods to accommodate toys of all sizes

Using a combination of closet space, bookshelves, baskets, and storage bins is a wonderful way to stash children’s items of all shapes and sizes. Tuck large toys away in a closet, stack those with uniform shapes onto shelves, and place smaller items into clear bins.

Take advantage of vertical space

Whether your kids have a dedicated playroom or keep their toys in a family area of the home, you can maximize your space and avoid floor clutter by installing shelving or using tall bookcases. If you prefer to keep the abundance of art supplies, dress-up clothes, and other items out of sight, opt for cupboards with doors or drawers. Try to keep items your kids use frequently within their reach, so they don’t always have to ask an adult for help.

Make your storage solutions fun and colorful

Involve your kids further by asking for their opinions! Maybe they have a preferred color scheme you can use to paint shelves and cupboards. A pro painter like AAA Painting Company can give you excellent results. Or, for a smaller-scale upgrade, let them decorate plastic storage bins with stickers or paint to personalize them.

Do routine inventory and decluttering

As your children get older and their interests change, it’s natural for them to outgrow clothing along with certain toys and activities. Conduct a periodic sweep of their stockpiled stuff to find items you can donate or throw out. This helps to ensure there is plenty of room for everything you have and clears space for new items.

Whether you plan to hire a contractor like Quality Builders & Remodeling to create built-in storage or prefer to implement temporary solutions you easily change along with your child’s needs and your home’s aesthetic, organization is a key aspect of a tidy house.

Tailoring your choices to appeal to your children keeps them involved and invested in doing their part to keep clutter at bay. Get more ideas for organizational strategies from our Facebook and Instagram pages.


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