Defend Your Domain: 7 Practical Pest Control Tips

Just like your favorite perennials, home and garden pests return every spring. With some smart strategies, you can keep them from settling into your flower beds, garden, and home. Take the following simple, proactive steps to protect against pests and create a lovelier landscape. If you are dealing with some particularly persistent pests, your local pest control professionals are there to help. Find nearby service providers at Ask

Fortify your castle

Late spring is the ideal time to fortify your home against invaders. For example, cover any gaps around attic vents to prevent noisy birds from nesting within. Pay particular attention to cracks or openings around the foundation of your house, too. Even the smallest opening welcomes ants and other creepy crawlies that eventually enter your living spaces.

Getting a professional to test your home exterior for gaps and cracks is the best way to find them. Once you have these areas sealed, you will keep pests out and conserve heating and cooling for a more comfortable, less costly environment.

Banish water leaks and puddles near the house

Pooling or leaking water near your home attracts mosquitoes and larger pests looking for a drink. It is important to fill in spots where puddles form and get your plumber to fix leaky outdoor pipes.

When you prevent water from pooling around your house, you also eliminate potential tripping hazards and soaked shoes. When your plumber fixes outdoor leaks, you will likely enjoy savings on your water bill.

Clean up piles where invaders hide

If you have piles of wood, compost, or yard debris near your home, be sure to relocate them so rodents and insects like termites don’t move in. Scrap wood from household projects makes pests feel right at home, protecting them from discovery. Likewise, yard debris like grass clippings offers burrowing pests a place to settle in. A bit of cleanup will discourage these uninvited neighbors and the damage they can do.

Avoid feeding the troops

Pests large and small are always on the lookout for a free meal. Don’t encourage them by leaving a partially filled pet food bowl on the back porch. Pick it up as soon as your dog or cat walks away so that pests won’t be tempted to try a bite.

Unprotected fruits and vegetables in the garden attract wildlife. If you're not careful, deer, gophers, and rabbits may stake a claim in your garden. Fence your garden area to prevent deer from destroying your produce. Chicken wire will help keep rabbits at bay. If underground critters steal your produce from below, consider putting metal mesh barriers beneath garden beds.

Find more pest-free strategies for outdoor living

With some help from the experts, you won’t have to worry about pest control while you are outside enjoying your landscape. Get more great ideas for pest prevention around your home on our HomeMag Facebook and Instagram pages.


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