Spring Maintenance Tips for a Cozy Living Space

Spring cleaning is different for everyone. It can range from decluttering and deep cleaning to a transition in seasonal decor. You can make this process simple and streamlined by creating a simple blueprint for completing your spring home design plans. Here are a few ways to prepare your home for the spring.

Declutter every room

Spring cleaning lets you take a closer look at the items in your home and decide where you may want to donate or let go of unused items. It may also be a great opportunity to reorganize your storage system to make your items easier to find and your home easier to clean.

Switch your linens and clothing

This is the perfect opportunity to pull out your spring linens and dress your bed. If you need to invest in spring-friendly, sheets, aim for softer fabric materials with lower thread counts. You’ll still be comfortable but have bedding that allows adequate airflow.

The same concept applies to your wardrobe. Cleaning and storing your winter clothing will keep everything organized until you need it again. Aim to complete this process every season if applicable.

Inspect your property for leaks

As a homeowner, you’ll want to repair leaks before they create severe damage. During colder months, your home is especially vulnerable to damage in leaky areas. This is because water expands when it freezes. If the water in a crack turns to ice, it often widens or deepens cracks in concrete, pipes, and other locations.

As temperatures begin to rise, make sure you hire a professional to inspect your property and repair any damage. If your roof is the source of leaks, contact a local professional for repairs.

Air out your home with cross-ventilation

Recent technology has focused on helping homeowners to create an airtight, well-insulated home. This is an energy-saving strategy that can save on utility costs. However, it also means that air does not get to circulate between the indoors and the outdoors. Warm temperatures are a great time to open windows and allow air circulation in your home. This can freshen the scent of your home and allow for cleaner air.

There are a few strategies that you can use to promote airflow in your home. Opening two windows on opposite sides of a room or home will create a cross-breeze. Ceiling fans will help to move air throughout a room. Installing a ceiling fan can also help you to push warm air downward in the winter and pull it toward the ceiling in the summer.

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