Essential Home Maintenance Tasks for Spring

Spring can come early depending on where you live, catching some homeowners by surprise. Though you may have run your heating the night before, the next day may be so warm you’re tempted to turn on the AC. If you use slipcovers, your sofas and chairs may still have the ones with the pattern of snowflakes. Your bed may still be piled with cozy blankets. Since spring is pretty much here, what are some essential home maintenance tasks?

Open up the windows

Believe it or not, simply opening up the windows is one of the ways your HVAC system works. Since it’s no longer chilly outside, the cool spring air refreshes your home and washes out stale air. Opening the windows and turning on the ceiling fan may even be a way to mitigate the effects of dangerous radon gas. When the windows are open, it is also a good time to clean the parts of your window frames.

Have your HVAC tuned up

HVAC professionals recommend that your system be checked twice a year, once before the heating and cooling seasons. A professional should check your HVAC system in spring to prepare it for the cooling season. This means checking the parts of your air conditioning, whether central, a window unit, or a mini-split system. If you rely on a heat pump, which turns into an AC in the summer, and a heating unit in the winter, have that checked as well. An HVAC professional should also check your furnace, ductwork, vents, fans, and thermostat.

Check the roof and gutters

Though snow and ice storms are uncommon in this part of the world, they can still happen and stress your roof and gutters. You can check your roof and gutters yourself for damage, but if you’re nervous about going up on your roof, don’t hesitate to call a professional roofer. If you see moss on your roof, apply a bleach and water solution and gently wash it away. Moss can actually damage asphalt shingles.

Make your home more energy-efficient

It seems every year appliances become more and more energy-efficient. If you have an appliance such as a dishwasher, water heater, or fridge that is feeling its age and isn’t working as well as it used to, you might want to invest in one that’s more energy-efficient. Spring is the time to replace insulation in your attic and crawl space with more efficient insulation, and seal the ductwork so neither cool nor hot air leaks. Even windows and doors have become more energy-efficient, so don’t forget them.

Check the deck

Check for staining, warping, soft spots, and rotting boards if you have a deck. Replace or secure everything that needs to be replaced and secured. Power-wash the deck and have a professional reseal it if it's wood.

To learn more about those essential tasks that welcome spring, follow us on Instagram and Facebook.


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